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Tom Styles

Tom Styles Headshot

Chief Technology Officer
Principal Consultant

Tom is a digital leader, with a track record of delivering user-focused, secure solutions at pace across govService, web, and .net, technologies.

A digital strategist and agility advocate, an integration and automation enthusiast, and a mentor, educator, and coach of team members and colleagues across a range of technology and transformation skills.

Whilst at Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC), Tom led the implementation of the govService (formally Firmstep) platform, growing internal capability across several teams. Tom has built numerous complex solutions and integrations, and wrote the security and permission model since adopted by Granicus as best practice. Tom has spoken at numerous Firmstep/Granicus events and conferences.

Tom established agile practices at NCC including the introduction of Scrum and Azure DevOps, and was a founding member of the Agile Community of Practice.

Tom's roots lie in over 20 years of web and software development and architecture experience and he is never that far from cranking out some code. He co-designed and implemented NCC's Azure PaaS architecture, including App Service, Azure Sql, Azure Cognitive Search, Service Bus, and Power BI Embedded.

If you aren't sure what some of those technologies are, don't worry. He'll gladly explain them in understandable non-technical language.