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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Statement

Since our founding Tailwind Digital has been an ethical company. We have an uncompromising commitment to delivering the highest levels of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in all aspects of our business activity.

Policy Brief and Purpose

We acknowledge that running our business influences society. Our CSR policy formalises how we will manage our business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.

Our CSR policy is a statement of intent that formalises how we will improve standards for our customers and employees, minimise our impact on the environment, and contribute wider social and economic benefits that go beyond mere compliance with legislation.

Our business goals are fully aligned and contribute to our CSR policy

  • Helping public services build and deliver sustainable, citizen-centric services using their existing technology and teams.
  • Accelerating successful adoption of new digital ways of working and leaving a legacy of continuous, confident innovators.

Putting CSR into Practice

We are committed to:

  • Conducting business in a legal, socially responsibly and ethical manner
  • Protecting the environment and the safety of people
  • Supporting human rights
  • Engaging, learning from, respecting, and supporting the communities and cultures within which we work

Legality and Business Ethics

Tailwind Digital is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and corporate governance practices to maintain excellence and promote confidence in our daily operations. Our Code of Conduct and policy framework provides the mechanisms to prevent dishonest or unethical conduct and foster a culture of transparency and accountability. Our policies outline the responsibilities of all employees and ensure any 3rd parties we work with are aware of their obligation to conduct themselves in a legal and ethical manner. We will:

  • Respect the law and ensure all our business operations are legitimate and ethical in respect of financial, competition, anti-bribery’ and anti-corruption laws
  • Conduct our business in an open, honest, and ethical manner
  • Protect all human, financial, physical, informational, social, environmental, and reputational assets
  • Respect our customers, colleagues, and any 3rd parties we work with

Human Rights and Protecting People

Tailwind Digital is dedicated to protecting human rights. We are a committed equal opportunities employer and abide by all fair labour practices we will engage in or tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, intimidation, or harassment.

We recognise that our staff are our most important resource. We actively seek to offer our staff a positive and health working environment and ensure that they have rewarding careers and job satisfaction. Our Employee Handbook sets out the rights and expectation of all members of staff. We ensure that staff have access to the training they need both for their own development and to enable them to deliver a high-quality service.

Our activities are underpinned by our Equalities and Diversity Policies and will ensure we:

  • Do not directly or indirectly violate human rights
  • Provide a safe, healthy working environment that does not compromise the health and safety of any of our employees
  • Fully support diversity and inclusion
  • Maintain an environment whereby all staff get full job satisfaction

Preserving the environment

Apart from our legal obligations, Tailwind Digital is committed to environmental protection and stewardship. We recognise that pollution prevention, biodiversity and resource conservation are the key to a sustainable environment and will effectively integrate these concepts into our business decision making. Our environmental policy focuses on being green aware and fostering a culture within the company that all employees understand they can make a significant contribution to the Company operating in an environmentally responsible manner. The Company’s policy is to comply with and wherever possible exceed the requirements of environmental legislation.

Minimise waste and adopting sensible recycling policies in respect of paper and food consumption

  • Support our team to create a safe and comfortable home working environment while reducing levels of energy consumption
  • Encourage our team to walk, cycle, use public transport or car share where they do need to travel
  • Purchase environmentally friendly products when buying any equipment for use within the company
  • Review opportunities and consider implementing measures for the reduction of the use of water
  • Reduce levels of pollution emissions wherever possible
  • Ensure that all employees are made aware of and have access to a copy of the Company’s Environmental Policy

Social and Community Benefits

We are committed to investing in research and development. Both nationally and in the world economy, a fast pace of change coupled with rapidly evolving technology means that the modern workforce needs to be more technically skilled than ever before. Use of digital technologies is almost universal among UK businesses and the IT workforce is estimated to grow by 39% by 2030. The importance of digital skills to economic vibrancy is well documented, as is the concern that there is a shortage of digital skills.

Our company ethos and values focus on delivering positive social value by supporting public services in successful digital transformation: enhancing their ability to engage with citizens and communities, delivering better outcomes by improving access to vital services and saving money.

Our approach is based on partnership. We work hand in hand with our clients to build additional capability and capacity.

Our methods are inclusive and interactive, engaging internal teams and employees at all levels to implement a corporate approach: aligning the organisation’s processes, talent, and culture to promote adoption of a digital first mindset.

Our commitment is to empowerment and knowledge transfer. Learning together through co-creating new ways of working and sharing experience and successful results. We see learning through action as the pathway to successfully developing digital competency and supporting the growth of a stronger, more resilient, and confident public services.

We will share our insights and experience about the opportunities available for people with digital skills to help build understanding, awareness and promote digital as a chosen career path open to everyone regardless of gender or social background.